Competitive Advantages
We come in with a new vision and a desire for reinvention of rental real estate markets.

Token Economy

to Empower Industry

All participants can get a reasonable distribution of profits and are rewarded for effective or influential contributions. Consumers, content generators and service providers form an ecosystem and become part of the new economy in the community.

Artificial Intelligence

to Optimize Services

Through the engagement of artificial intelligence, we can assist the agency to optimize online sales services, property management services, and loan services. For tenants, we can provide convenient online butler services to enhance the satisfaction of value-added living services.

Rule Engine

to Customize Processes

Property management companies can quickly establish an asset management system & business processes, dock the complete property management and value-added service supply chains, and expand the community ecosystem and vertical markets.

We provides standardized accommodations by packing with standardized services, processes and token economic operating models in the App.

Rent Increases

for Landlords

Property Quality Control (Professional property management, leasing services, return on investment management, and detailed income and expenditure details etc.)

Convenient Services

for Tenants

Property Quality Control (Convenient online payment, instant messaging, value-added life services during the lease period, and clear listing of cost sharing details etc.)

Effective Economy

for Communities

Token Economy & Supply Chains (cleaning, repair, furniture rental, community group buying, financing loan etc.)

Flexible Rentals
Offering with long-term & short-term rental options can reduce operational pressure and improve utilization.

Options of Space Supply

There is a small number of vacant spaces remaining, which cannot be promoted at high discounts.

No strong demand on long-term rental for high-rent properties.

Types of Housing

The housing type is not perfect for long-term rental, such as houses with poor lighting, stuffy rooms, small rooms, rooms with outside noise, etc., however, it is suitable for short-term rental.

Periods of High Season

During the off-season of long-term rental, the real estate rental market is right in the peak season of short-term rental.

Property managers or landlords can swap the rental options seamlessly to fit in the strong demands.

The community becomes the main traffic entrance in the ecosystem.